Curricular Practical Training

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For students on an F1 visa, Curricular Practical Training (CPT) allows you to gain internship or work experience while earning academic credit. In order for students to be eligible for CPT, students must enroll in ENGR 291 Internship course offered by the Samueli School of Engineering via the Graduate and Professional Studies (5400 Engineering Hall).

Preparing your CPT Application

  • Review International Center’s CPT Online Tutorial 
  • Complete the CPT Application Form
    • Section 2 should be left blank, will be completed by GPS office
  • CPT Internship Approval Form (PhD students only)
  • Copy of job offer letter from employer
    • Should include:
      • Company’s letterhead
      • Be addressed to you
      • Job title
      • Job description
      • Location of employment
      • Specify if work is part-time/full-time
      • Specify the exact start and end date of employment
      • Employer’s signature

CPT Dates

CPT must begin on or after “quarter start date” and must end on or before the “quarter end date” for the quarter you are applying for. Dates can be confirmed on the UCI Registrar webpage. 
Example: Fall 2024 CPT dates would be September 23rd – December 13th.

To ensure your CPT application is approved and processed before the start of the quarter, the latest we can receive your application is 2 weeks before the beginning of the quarter.

If an application is submitted late, CPT approval in the form of an updated I-20 will not be ready by the quarter start date, but will be accepted for review/approval.

CPT Course Enrollment – Fall, Winter, Spring

Submit your CPT Application, CPT Internship Approval Form (if PhD student), and job offer letter to

Once the CPT application is reviewed, you will be emailed an authorization code to enroll in ENGR 291 Internship. Please allow 2-3 business days for processing by Graduate and Professional Studies.

CPT Course Enrollment – Summer

Please review the Summer CPT Enrollment Instructions document for a full walkthrough of the Summer CPT Enrollment Process.

ENGR 291 Internship Course Requirements

In order to receive a Satisfactory grade in this course, the following two items will need to be submitted at the end of the quarter you are enrolled:

  1. A 2-page Summary Report describing the company and its products or services, the technical aspects of the position, courses that you took that helped you prepare for this role, and your professional goals as they relate to your graduate degree at UCI.
  2. A rating from your internship supervisor as either good/fair/poor and/or an overall assessment of your work emailed to

The grade for the internship course will be S/U only and will be assigned by the instructors based on the summary report and the feedback from the industry mentor/supervisor. Each quarter, a course website under EEE+CANVAS will be created so that summaries can be uploaded to the course website.

For any questions about CPT application, ENGR 291 Internship enrollment, or grading, please contact

Please note that we can authorize students to enroll in courses offered within the Samueli School of Engineering ONLY. Students interested in taking non-Engineering courses must contact the faculty of that course and must abide by that School’s course enrollment policies.